Buchanan Construction builds affordable elegance. Through his dedication and hands-on style, Jim Buchanan has built a reputation for creating affordable, elegant homes in prestigious communities along South Carolina's Grand Strand. Some of his finest work can be seen in the communities of Creek Harbour, Creek Ridge, and Plantation Lakes. Jim's home designs are very detailed and have no wasted space. Buchanan homes include many standard features that most homebuyers would consider upgrades. Jim puts the same materials, elegance, and dedication into your new home as he has done in building his own Become a homeowner with Buchanan Construction and experience built-in quality and affordable elegance.
Motion Picture & Tape Distribution
Executives of Video Image Production Inc
Officer, Mikko Vuokko
Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) :
The first thing I think about when I think about Buchanan construction is the wow factor. If you want your house or your home to appeal to people as well as to the first impressions when you see the house it is that wow factor. There will always be something bigger than life about your home. And that is just a natural feeling for not only you but for others to come and visit. And that is what your home is really about. For others to come and want to visit. - Andrea McCoy Actually what happened was when we were looking for a house and we narrowed it down to two houses on opposite ends of the beach and come to find out both of them were built by Jim. So when we decided to build we obviously went to him because we knew his work and attention to detail and knew he would give us a beautiful home. -Jones
Film distributors
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Video Image Production Inc. in Montgomery Village you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 2012
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